5 Rupees World of Work Coin value

5 Rupees coin (World of Work)

5 Rupees Commemorative are being minted since 1985. 5 Rs coins are some of the common coins today but in 1994, 5 Rupees coins can be bought a lot of goods for you. 5 Rupees ilo Coin value in 2024.

5 Rupee Commemorative World of work I.L.O 1919-1994 Coin. This 5 rs coin was launched in 1994.
We are going to discuss in this article the ILO coin which was launched in 1994, this one is related to the labor community which has completed 75 years. 5 Rupees ILO coins are one the rare coins that you can collect.

This coin is made from copper and Nickel, and the weight of the coin is 8.9 grams. The diameter or Size is 23.3 mm the shape of the coin is round.
if you see the coin closely on the front side of the coin you can see Bharat and India and five rupees also you can see the Ashok Stambh in the middle part let’s take a look at the backside of this coin it has written on its “Shram Jagat” world of work, also you can see the logo of ILO and 1919 to 1994 the symbol in the middle of the coin represent the International Labour Organisation this coin was minted in Mumbai and Hyderabad for Mumbai mint there is a mint mark of diamond shape on it and for Hyderabad mint, there is a star mark on the coin.


Minted at Bombay, Hyderabad & Noida Mints

Type of CoinCommemorative coin
Year of Launch1994
Face Value5 Rupees
Diameter23 mm

Commemorative issue

World of Work – 75 Years of ILO


Asoka Lion Capital is a picture that can be seen in the Front side of the coin.

भारत INDIA
सत्यमेव जयते
रूपये 5 RUPEES


Symbol of the International Labour Organization 

Value of 5 Rupees ILO coin

5 Rupees ILO coins price depends on the coin’s condition, a good-condition coin can give a high value, and UNC (New Like) coins will increase their value. So always collect coins in good condition so that its

This coin Value in UNC condition is around 400 Rs or more. But in Very fine to Extra Fine Condition coins can give you a value from 30 to 80 Rs. There is a Fat Loin verity exists that cost upto ₹20,000

Bombay Mint Value is ₹20 to ₹150

Hyderabad Mint Value is ₹30 to ₹400

Noida Mint Coin Value is ₹20 to ₹200

Fat Loin Mule verity cost upto ₹20,000

But If Got has any UNC set off it will give you around 13000 Rs at the Current Time. UNC sets are for collector items so it’s common that anyone to have these types of coins.

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14 thoughts on “5 Rupees World of Work Coin value”

  1. I have a 5 RS coin of ( world of work ) I want to sell .
    I also got the coin of 5rs of jawaharlal nehru , Indira Gandhi too
    If u give me the what’s app no I will send u the images of my collection too


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