1 Paisa Coin Value 1965 to 1972

Hello, friends today in this article we are going to talk about 1 Paisa coin which was circulated between 1965 to 1972. These coins are not very common in today’s time but many of the collectors have these coins in their collection and still many new collectors are collect them for their collection as well. 1 Paisa coins in today’s time are very hard to find if you got any of these coins, then some of the coins are very rare and can give you a very good value if you sell them.

1 Paisa coin design

This 1 paisa coin has Ashoka stambh on its front side, also there you can see Bharat and India was written on the coin. On the backside of the coin, you can see 1 Paisa written in Hindi and English, it also mentioned the year in which the coin was minted and the bottom of the coin have the mint mark of where the coin was minted.

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1 Paisa Coin Key Features

  • 1 Paisa coin was circulated between 1965 to 1972
  • These coins were made of aluminum and magnesium
  • The weight of these coins was 0.75 g
  • And the size of this coin was 17mm
  • The shape of the coin was square with a rounded corner.
  • 1 Paisa coin was limited to three different Indian mints and those means are Bombay Hyderabad and Kolkata mints.

1 Paisa coin Value/Price

This one paisa coin can give you value up to 5 rupees to 100 rupees depending on coin condition, year, and mintmark.
See the chart below for full information.

So this was detailed information about 1 Paisa coin which was launched between 1965 to 1972 if you enjoyed this article and it was informative for you to share it with others and do subscribe to our blog as well 100% correct information about old coins and notes.

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